The Parents’ Role in Test Prep and College Applications


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Gone are the days when we were required to memorize dozens of vocabulary words and analogies. Nowadays, SAT tests are more aligned with college requirements and the workplace environment than ever before. The SAT and ACT tests have come a long way over the last 40 years, however, they still require test preparation in order for students to showcase their knowledge. So, what is the best way for parents to help their child prepare? Should they bring out their old study material that helped them get into the college they wanted? The answer is no, definitely not. But parents do have an important role in helping their teenagers prep for these standardized tests.

There are a few strategies that come to mind when gearing up to prepare. Many students can greatly benefit from test prep classes in Charleston, SC that Attest has to offer, while other students like to study on their own with a few books. Then there are those that just want to avoid test prep altogether assuming that all of their years in school should have prepared them enough. A parent’s job should be to let their teen have a say in what kind of test preparation path they would like to take, while also guiding them and supporting them along the way.

What role can Charleston, SC parents or guardians play to ensure that their child chooses wisely and follows through with a solid testing preparation plan? Parents can of course encourage their child to consume as much test prep material as they can before testing. Another option is to offer to hire a one on one Charleston SAT tutor or enroll them in a SAT prep class. Offering to pay for a test prep class in Charleston is a great way to encourage them. Many parents realize that the investment in a Charleston SAT prep class can more than pay for itself with increased merit-based scholarships from a few points gained on the SAT or ACT.

Our SAT prep in Charleston offers not only content skills, test strategies, and practice, but also confidence-boosting and helping students believe that they can achieve the score they want. Frequently, our tutors can connect with a student and motivate them in a way that parents can’t. While it is a kind gesture to offer to help your teen study, it can often lead to more stress for both parent and child. Let our Charleston SAT tutor take the stress away and offer students the help they need and parents peace of mind.

Parents should view their role in supporting their teen’s test prep as one to encourage, enable, and empower the student. Celebrate and reward any gains, and love your teenager unconditionally.

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