Online SAT Prep Classes


We teach a variety of testing strategies that will help improve your score on the Math section of the SAT.​


Join us live via Zoom as we go over detailed strategies on how to improve your SAT score on the math portion of the test.

The SAT asks questions about Algebra more than any other math content area; in fact, the No Calculator Test is basically one big Algebra test.  Given that, this class is absolutely essential to your test preparation.  The problem types that will be taught are seen on every SAT test given, and include:

  • Systems of equations
  • Exponent rules
  • Imaginary/complex numbers
  • Distributing, factoring, and combining like terms
  • And many more reoccurring math concepts.

This class focuses on the Geometry concepts consistently seen in problems on the SAT.  In particular, the class will focus on:

  • Trigonometric functions
  • Pythagorean triples
  • Special right triangles
  • Equation of a circle
  • Plus many more!

The SAT asks more Algebra and Statistics questions than it does Geometry questions; however, out of the Geometry questions it does ask, the questions are strikingly similar across all tests.  Attending this class will make so many of these seemingly difficult Geometry questions seem very achievable, so be sure to join us for this valuable opportunity.

This class focuses on the Probability and Statistics concepts seen on the SAT.  In particular, this class will focus on:

  • Interpreting data tables of varying complexity
  • Standard deviation
  • Mean, median, and range
  • Assessing statistical practices, experimental set-ups, and outcomes
  • And much more!

Effectively decoding the language of a probability and statistics problem is essential to answering many of these questions correctly, and this really is a skill that must be taught.  Join us for this important class and learn the techniques necessary for success.

This class focuses on the harder Algebra problems seen on the SAT as well as the few Precalculus content pieces that appear on the test.  These concepts include:

  • Algebraic expressions that use one or more constants
  • Algebraic division
  • Radians
  • All things quadratics (graphing parabolas in particular)
  • And much more!

This is absolutely the content that gives every student a difficult time on the test, but it is achievable.  Join us to experience that achievement firsthand.


We teach a variety of testing strategies that will help improve your score on the Reading section of the SAT.


Join us live via Zoom as we go over detailed strategies on how to improve your SAT score on the reading portion of the test.

Students taking the SAT already know how to read, but that doesn’t ensure a great score on the SAT’s Reading Test.  An effective strategy is necessary for success, and that strategy must be based on the:

  • Order of the passages
  • Order of the questions
  • Types of questions being asked (namely, whole passage vs. line specific)
  • And much more!

Join us for this class and the reading technique we cover will be hugely beneficial not only on the SAT, but also on the ACT, AP, IB, GRE, LSAT, MCAT, and another other test in existence that includes a reading section.

Just about everyone hates the dreaded “paired passages” on the SAT.  You know, the reading portion where two passages are paired and students are asked to compare and contrast the very similar passages.  The good news is that these are easy when approached in the proper manner.  In this class, the students will learn how to:

  • Separate the arguments of each passage for clarity
  • Tackle each passage and its associated questions at once
  • Methodically work through the answer choices of each question
  • And much more!

Most students perform poorly on this type of reading task, so performing well where everyone else performs poorly is how you make genuine gains on your score.  So, join us and get ready to climb!

“Unbeknownst to the plethora of suitors awaiting the fair maiden on the veranda steps…”

Be honest, that made you cringe, didn’t it? 😖 You are not alone.  On any reading test, there are certain types of passages that students are loathe to encounter.  Namely, the passages that make for the toughest time tend to be the one that are:

  • 18th and 19th Century British literature
  • 18th and 19th Century historical texts (speeches, essays, etc.)
  • Overly technical or scientific passages

Utilizing an effective question-focused strategy to obtain correct answers to the questions about these passages results in a high performance, and sometimes this occurs without a full comprehension of the text itself.  No matter, join us for this class and, come test day, succeed where others struggle.


We teach a variety of testing strategies that will help improve your score on the English section of the SAT.


Join us live via Zoom as we go over detailed strategies on how to improve your SAT score on the English portion of the test.

This class heavily focuses on the SAT/ACT’s favorite test content, namely,

  • Semicolons
  • Colons
  • apostrophes for possession
  • appositives
  • redundancy,
  • and many more topics

The first part of the class will be devoted to teaching these important concepts, followed by an intensive practice session where a volume of test questions will be covered, allowing students to see the various ways the SAT tests students on these concepts.

Unlike the math tests, which cover a broad range of content spanning Prealgebra to Precalculus, the Writing and Language Test really has about a dozen or so concepts on it that are asked in different ways throughout the test.  Given that, mastering one concept, most of which are easily mastered, leads to success on not just one question, but on multiple questions.   The Writing and Language Test really is the best way to get a quick score boost, so be sure to join us for this game-changing class.

Aside from general grammar and style concepts, the idea which the SAT seems to love the most on the Writing and Language Test is the idea of transitions, making ideas flow smoothly in various parts of a passage, including:

  • within a sentence
  • between sentences
  • between paragraphs.

There are many, many questions on the Writing and Language test that hit on this concept, such as:

  • Determine the correct order for the sentences in a paragraph.
  • Where a sentence should go in a paragraph?
  • Should a sentence begin with the word “nevertheless,” “accordingly,” “also,” or “although?”

To really have a great day on the Writing and Language Test, mastering this element of the test is essential, and the good news is that, with our preparation, that mastery can be achieved by anyone.  Join us for this class and, come test day, you will be oh so glad you did.

Interestingly, the SAT includes a graph, chart, or data table on usually two of the four passages found on the Writing and Language test.  The questions tied to the graph/chart range from:

  • Does the chart provide relevant information to the passage?
  • What is the most accurate interpretation of the data found in the table?
  • Do the data in the table support the author’s central argument?

Questions such as these are challenging because they require both an accurate understanding of the author’s argument in the passage as well as a correct interpretation of the data in the table.  These questions are usually the ones that separate good scores from great scores on the Writing and Language Test.  So, join us for this class and you will be in a strong position to correctly answer what very few actually get right.


Get full access to our live SAT preparation course. All courses are taught live via Zoom by Tim Anderson. We will cover every topic listed in the Math, English, and Reading section of the SAT.
